DGL-4100 Firmware Release Notes v1.8 1. Fixed SBC rate estimation. 2. Fixed UPnP IGD icon reporting disabled state. v1.7 New Features: 1.NAT endpoint filtering enabled. Problems Resolved: 1.PPTP/L2TP Linux crash/reboot issue resolved. 2.Radius Server NAS-IP fix. 3.UPnP port forwarding fixed to function with Sony Location Free TV. 4.UPnP function in Azureus fixed. 5.DHCP Server not providing DNS servers after ipconfig release/renew when the WAN side is connected to the SBC DSL Modem in DHCP mode is resolved. 6.Timezone and Daylight saving in Manual mode support. 7.Disable gaming rule is displayed when a rule is disabled. 8.Duplicated Inbound Filter Rules not allowed on the Inbound Filter Page. 9.RTSP ALG issue resolved. Enhancements: 1.Rearrangement of the UI to be user friendly. 2.Pure Networks – Final HNAP Enhancements. 3.Added 2 NTP servers to drop down list – a.ntp1.dlink.com b.ntp.dlink.com.tw 4.Simplified the Dynamic DNS page. 5.Removed WCN ActiveX feature . v1.6 1. IGMP host and router support including multicast routing. 2. RIP full protocol support. 3. Static DNS and Custom DNS support for DynDNS. 4. Fixed Javascript problem when Inbound Filter is defined. 5. Fixed ingress/egress connection direction in Active Sessions page. And Active sessions page now correctly tracks all types of connections. 6. Updated UPNP settings. 7. Enabled GameFuel by default. 8. Ability to add multiple machines per Access Control policy. 9. Improved Automatic Rate Estimation process. 10. Enhanced logging functionality. 11. Enhancements to NAT and DMZ. 12. Removed AOL and L2TP ALGs (no longer needed with NAT enhancements). v1.4 New features: * UPNP support * WCN ActiveX support * No Reboot feature for some UI pages * Wake-on-LAN ALG Problems Resolved: * RTSP ALG with RealPlayer and QuickTime * H.323 ALG problem * DSL-300T compatibility * Port triggers now age-out correctly * Virtual server loopback works for all protocols and ALGs Enhancements: * SPI is enabled by default * Live Status Page * Improved NAT performance especially for large number of entries * Nat hole punching and hairpinning